Find the perfect treasure to mark that occassion
Choose COUSINS to celebrate those special milestones in life and give a cherished memory encaptured in a beautiful tangible jewel or a fascinating piece of silver.

Marking Momentous Moments
If you find this a little daunting, fear not; because, at Cousins if you need reassurance you have your very own expert and trusted guide to help you every step of the way.
We will carefully listen to all of your thoughts and requirements and help you achieve stupendous success; our aim is that your surprise brings absolute delight.

Success Guaranteed
From advice about style, size and fit, to practical considerations of wear and comfort, a complete and personal service is given right down to beautifully gift wrapping your parcel.
You are in safe and knowledgeable hands.

A lasting and unique marker of a special moment in their lives.
We specialize in making remarkable, individual and precious articles that have tremendous longevity and are above the everyday whims of fashion. These gifts will be something that your young person can truly treasure and wear all through life.
A signet ring with a family crest, monogram, or personal cypher.
A diamond pendant.
A pearl necklet.
A ‘Five in One’ silver and gold bangle.

Silver Animals
We have the most loyal brigade of clients who have been collecting silver model animals over many decades. They are something that appeal and bring pleasure to young and old alike, so why not start a collection of your own or for a loved one.